#69/70, SIPCOT Industrial Complex HOSUR – 635126

Investors – Mandatory furnishing of PAN

Mandatory furnishing of PAN, KYC details and Nomination by holders of physical securities

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide its circular SEBI/HO/MIRSDMIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 03, 2021 has made it mandatory for holders of physical securities to furnish their PAN, email address, mobile number, bank account details and also to either register or declare opt out for nomination facility against the shares held in the company.

Through the above said notification, SEBI has also introduced the following forms effective January 01, 2022, which shall be mandatorily submitted by the investors:

Form ISR-1Request for registering Pan, KYC details or changes / up-dation thereof 
Form ISR- 2Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker
Form- SH-13Nomination form
Form ISR-3Declaration for Nomination opt-out
Form SH- 14Change in Nomination
Form ISR- 4Request for dematerialisation of Shares

Shareholders are requested to submit Form ISR-1 for updating PAN and other KYC details with RTA of the Company. In case of mismatch in the signature of the holder in the records of RTA, the shareholders need to furnish original cancelled cheque and banker’s attestation of the signature as per Form ISR-2. It is advised that the shareholders send the original cancelled cheque with name of shareholder printed on it and duly filled Form ISR 2 along with Form ISR 1 to update signature so as to avoid further correspondence in case of signature mismatch. Shareholders are requested to submit Form SH-13 duly filled to register nomination in their Folios.

However, in case shareholders want to opt-out of nomination, Form ISR-3 shall be submitted to RTA.

Shareholders may submit Form SH-14 for change in nomination at any time.

You are requested to forward the duly filled forms and documents along with the related proofs as mentioned in the respective forms to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent viz. KFin Technologies Limited (“RTA”) at below mentioned address at the earliest:

Kfin Technologies Limited
(Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited)
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent
Unit: Wendt India Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Hyderabad – 500032, India, Toll Free No.:1800 309 4001
Email: einward.ris@kfintech.com Website: https://ris.kfintech.com/

Shareholders are also requested to ensure that their PAN is linked to Aadhar by March 31, 2022 or any other date as may be specified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes to avoid freezing of your folio.

Freezing of Folios without PAN, KYC details and Nomination:

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